• BAYCMiner第一期排行榜前100名空投登记表(BAYCMiner first phase top 100 airdrop registration form)

  • 例如您的BAYCMiner账号昵称为rich,直接填写rich即可。(For example, if your BAYCMiner account nickname is rich, simply fill in rich.)

  • 在$BAYC排行榜处可查看到排行名次(You can check the rankings on the $BAYC leaderboard)

  • 在$BAYC排行榜处可查看到$BAYC持有数量(The number of $BAYC held can be viewed on the $BAYC rankings)

  • 请根据您的$TON的地址来填写,不接受交易所$TON的地址(Please fill in according to your $TON address,Exchange $TONde addresses are not accepted)